Fatigue is Among the Leading Causes of Trucking Accidents
Fatigue is a leading cause of trucking accidents. Fatigue is the cause or a contributing cause is 13% to 15% of all truck crashes.
This is not surprising when reviewing trucking law, regulations and practices. The risks of an accident increase by 400% from the 8th to the 11th hour of driving. Truck drivers are allowed and encouraged to drive 14 hour stretches. This is beyond reckless yet it continues.
These practices place innocent drivers sharing the road as well as the truck drivers themselves at great risk of serious injury or death. It is inexcusable but the industry will not budge and has fought hard to keep these reckless standards in place.
If you or a loved one is injured or killed in a truck accident, it is important to determine if fatigue was an issue. Unfortunately, most trucking companies and their insurers will not turn this information over freely. It is necessary to prove it and for this, it typically necessary to have an attorney.
The Albuquerque personal injury attorneys at Collins & Collins, P.C. have extensive experience with trucking accidents, auto accidents and dealing with uncooperative insurance companies and defendants. We can be reached at (505) 242-5958.